Play It Forward DAO enters the virtual space of Mirror World

PIF Nation
4 min readMar 14, 2022


Thanks to the advances in blockchain technology, especially in decentralized finance, there is now an ever-growing number of players in the world of play-to-earn (P2E) games. Now, you can play entertaining games while earning digital assets like cryptocurrencies and NFTs. To transform P2E games into a more accessible and lucrative form of entertainment, Play It Forward DAO offers its P2E Board and PIF Guild to make play more rewarding.

Today, Play It Forward DAO announces its partnership with Mirror World, a Metaverse where players can explore and interact around interconnected and independent virtual worlds.

What is Mirror World?

As the real world evolves at a fast pace, the decentralized Web 3.0 takes over and a vast amount of human data was abandoned in Web 2.0. The Web 2.0 data includes the data that people provide when they register for accounts, shop online, play games, or watch videos in the traditional network.

These neglected Web 2.0 data are permanently constrained inside the Web 2.0 prison, hoping that someday they can enter Web 3.0 and participate in the creation and development of the Metaverse called “Mirror World”. To save these virtual creatures, you need to go back to Web 2.0 and buy them so they can turn into “Mirrors”.

After obtaining your Mirror, you can upload it to Web 3.0 as an NFT to give it the true freedom it deserves. With every rescued Mirror, the Mirror World will be stitched together, providing a space for all kinds of native virtual beings to live.

Mirrors will have autonomous consciousness, thus they can also reflect and influence their counterparts in the real world. These are possible because they can trade in the real world for items and resources. They can even let you meet other friends from other worlds such as Sandbox and Axie Infinity.

In addition, Mirrors can also level up and socialize with you through various scenarios where they tell their views on society, economy, philosophy, and the like. This is thanks to the AI-powered “Soul”, which makes the Mirrors conversational and have their own personalities.

Each Mirror with Soul can create dialogues based on its randomly generated trait. For instance, your Mirror can speak and look like your favorite celebrities or prominent figures such as Elon Musk (ksuM nolE), Barack Obama (amabO kcaraB), Eminem (menimE), and more.

Your journey to the Mirror World starts at the Mirror Station where you can buy the latest Mirror from a collection of 11,000 ERC-721 NFTs. Once you have the NFT, you can now enter and explore the Mirror World together!

What will the partnership of Play It Forward DAO and Mirror World bring to P2E gamers?

The partnership of Play It Forward DAO and Mirror World will open doors for P2E gamers and enthusiasts to have the connections and resources they need to enter the Metaverse. Now, you can join the Play It Forward Guild as a scholar where you will be provided with stable in-game assets. This way, you can try the game out even if you don’t have the resources to invest or purchase the required digital asset to play.

As a P2E player, you can also now get a view of your Mirror World gaming data such as your assets, rankings, and more through Play It Forward’s P2E Board. This is not limited to Mirror World but will also give you access to all of your P2E game data. As a result, you can easily know which games are the most profitable and enjoyable to play.

With this recent partnership between Play It Forward DAO and Mirror World, you can now experience a more rewarding P2E gameplay without making a huge investment!

About Mirror World

Co-founded by Chris Zhu, Mirror World is a Metaverse where players can connect with different games and participate in various game scenarios. In this independent and interconnected economic system, players can earn by exchanging and trading in the Marketplace. As of writing, Mirror World is halfway through its roadmap and has already released its video teasers.

About Play It Forward DAO

Play It Forward DAO is a metaverse eco-system builder with a focus on Web3 game investment and a large-scale guild of 3,000+ gamers (Railings University) across the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

The company is positioned to provide broad access to play-to-earn gaming by educating, empowering, and integrating underprivileged communities into the P2E industry. PIF DAO is positioned to be the growth engine of a Plug-and-Play metaverse by allowing its members to invest, play, learn and earn.

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